Natasja Loutchko

BLEIBT zine presented at Æther Sofia in Bulgaria run by Voin de Voin

BLEIBTzine PDF see it here <3


..."We decided to stick with the power and the meaning, despite the fear of power, and share weakness, and be true to each other, no matter what and next…

Embrace risks and potentials producing things and thoughts that are intersectional, complementary, horizontal, among our practice, our biographies, our current living, will of activism, hopes of true revolution. Moving around sexual desire and fake hysteria-we build up words and worlds, the ones we want to live in, dreamy, necessary tools to survive the present, and sleepover through the past…'
The four invited artists are sharing different angles and approaches. The work is always intersectional, cross folding ideas about Feminism, politics, conditions of life, and collaboration.

Is put together by Natasja Loutchko, Eleonora Meoni,
Marta Orlando, Clementine Roy

It was launched at Æther Sofia in Nov.2020

Enjoy and BLEIBT safe! poster copy.jpg Anna.jpg